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Weather station located near the town of Bellaire in northern Michigan
(Weather updates every 10 minutes - Webcam runs 7AM to 1AM)

Current View of the Backyard

Opposing View of the Frontyard

Bellaire, Michigan, weather forecast

Daily Snow Statistics for 2023-2024

Total snowfall for 2023-2024 as of 01/19/2024 2:00PM = 39.25 Inches Latest data: 01:30 26 Apr 2024 Current Temp: 36 Current Wind Chill: 32 Current Dew Point 24 Today's Rainfall: 0.00 Yesterday's Rainfall: 0.00 1 Min. Wind Speed Ave: 4 Peak Wind Gusts: 5 Current Barometer: 30.33 3 hour Barometer Chg.: 0.01 Today's High Temp: 42 00:01 Yest'day High Temp: 54 16:08 04/25/2024 Monthly High Temp: 451 13:38 04/24/2024 Yearly High Temp: 451 13:38 04/24/2024 All-time High Temp: 451 13:38 04/24/2024 Today's Low Temp: 36 01:25 Yest'day Low Temp: 26 07:14 04/25/2024 Monthly Low Temp: 26 06:30 04/25/2024 Yearly Low Temp: -5 00:10 01/19/2024 All-time Low Temp: -25 05:17 02/20/2015 Today's High Wind: 10 WNW 01:21 Yest'day High Wind: 15 ESE 16:11 04/25/2024 Monthly High Wind: 45 ENE 23:29 04/02/2024 Yearly High Wind: 68 SE 01:21 01/25/2024 All-time High Wind: 61 NW 12:28 08/02/2015 Wind Wind Outside Inside Outside Inside Rain(inches) Time Speed Dir Temp Temp Humid Humid Press Since W/chill mph F F % % inches 01/01/2024 0200 1 E 32 77 55 29 30.36 4.12 32 0300 3 E 33 77 56 29 30.35 4.12 30 0400 0 SSE 30 77 63 29 30.37 4.12 30 0500 0 SE 28 77 68 29 30.37 4.12 28 0600 0 SE 27 77 69 29 30.37 4.12 27 0800 0 ENE 28 77 77 29 30.40 4.12 28 0900 7 SE 34 77 64 29 30.41 4.12 28 1000 2 ESE 40 77 51 29 30.41 4.12 40 1100 1 SE 44 77 44 28 30.41 4.12 44 1200 0 NW 47 77 39 28 30.40 4.12 47 1300 6 N 49 76 39 28 30.38 4.12 47 1400 2 NNE 51 76 35 28 30.36 4.12 51 1500 5 NW 52 77 34 28 30.35 4.12 52 1700 13 NNW 53 77 34 28 30.31 4.12 53 1800 9 NNW 53 77 32 28 30.31 4.12 53 1900 0 NNW 52 77 34 28 30.30 4.12 52 2000 4 NNE 50 77 37 28 30.29 4.12 50 2100 6 NNE 47 77 40 28 30.29 4.12 46 2200 0 N 45 77 47 28 30.30 4.12 45 2300 0 N 41 76 53 28 30.32 4.12 41 0000 2 E 40 76 59 28 30.33 4.12 40 0100 4 ESE 38 76 60 28 30.33 4.12 34 0110 5 ESE 37 76 60 28 30.33 4.12 37 0120 3 ESE 36 76 60 28 30.32 4.12 34 0130 5 ESE 36 76 60 28 30.33 4.12 32 Wind Wind Outside Inside Outside Inside Accumul Time Speed Dir Temp Temp Humid Humid Press Rain W/chill mph F F % % inches inches

(Weather station is a Peet Bros. Ultimeter 2100)

Local links:

Michgan Road Conditions

Area Forecast

Gaylord Weather Service
Area Radar Coverage
TraverseCity Cam (Record Eagle)
Michigan Tech - Campus Aerial
Houghton Lift Bridge
The Cove - LeLand
TraverseCity Cam (GL Maritime Academy)
Shanty Creek, Bellaire MI
Clam River Webcam
Dockside on Torch Webcam
Eagle Harbor Cam
Soo Locks Cam
Copper Harbor Cam

Hancock Lift Bridge Cam

Michigan Snow Cams
Most of the webcams in Michigan
John Dee's Michigan Webcams
Other Great Lakes Web Cams
Home Preparation Tips for Weather Emergencies
Staying Safe Outdoors in Severe Weather
Good Site for Cloud-Type Information
Interactive Map of Natural Disasters
Basement Guides: Flooding


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